Auto Repair Est 40 Yrs 5 Star Reviews Yelp/Google

Price: $298,000

Location: Orange County, CA

Industry: Auto Repair and Service Shops

Listing ID: 01985537JR


Auto repair business established in 1984 providing complete quality automotive repair; this shop services and repairs all makes and models of vehicles, which has developed a large local customer base of repeat business and excellent reputation. The business has many great reviews, with 5-star reviews on Yelp and Google; it is located in a prime area and situated in a 3400 sq. ft. unit with low rent and easy in and out access with plenty of parking. The business has all the equipment and tools to do an efficient and professional job; this is an ideal turn-key opportunity for an experienced automotive mechanic looking to acquire his own business. The owner has operated the business for 40 years and is now retiring and needs to sell. Call me today to arrange an appointment to take a close look at the business, all perspective buyers must be accompany by broker.


Down Payment: $298,000

Total Sales: $420,000

Cash Flow: $144,000



Accounts Receivable: N/A

FFE: $40,000

FFE Included: Yes

Inventory: $3,000

Inventory Included: No


Year Established: 1984

Days & Hours of Operation: 8 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday Closed Saturday & Sunday

Owner Hours Per Week: Full TIme

Non-Owner Payroll: N/A

Employees: 2

Absentee Owner: No

Lease Option: New Lease Available


Real Estate: N/A

Monthly Rent: $3,400

Type of Location: Industrial

Square Footage: 2400 + 1000 storage

Relocatable: No


Reason For Sale:


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