Price: $180,000
Location: Los Angeles County, CA
Industry: Auto Repair and Service Shops
Listing ID: 01985066JR
Listing Status: New
Smog test only established 31 years, the business is currently doing about an average of 200 smogs per month with fees ranging from $50.00 to $90.00 and up, owner wants to retire and wants to sell this turnkey opportunity fully equipped with all the equipment necessary is ready for a new owner operator. The business gets lots of repeat business and has a five star rating on Google, this exceptional Smog Test Only Facility located on a high traffic blvd. with easy in and out access and plenty of parking. Don't miss out on taking advantage of this great opportunity! Contact me today to learn more and jumpstart your journey to prosperity.
Down Payment: N/A
Total Sales: N/A
Cash Flow: $84,000
Accounts Receivable: N/A
FFE Included: Yes
Inventory: N/A
Year Established: 1993
Days & Hours of Operation: 8AM - 6 PM Monday to Friday 8 AM - 2 PM Saturday
Owner Hours Per Week: Full Time
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Lease Option: New 5 Year Lease + 1 - 5 Year Option
Real Estate: N/A
Monthly Rent: N/A
Type of Location: Commercial
Relocatable: No
Reason For Sale: Retiring