Price: $139,000
Location: Orange County, CA
Industry: Dollar Stores
Listing ID: 01985401JH
Listing Status: Reduced Price
Listing ID - 01985401JH
Monthly AVG gross: $25,000
Monthly rent: $3,000
Lease terms: 9 years including option.
Store size: 5,000 sq. ft
Employees: 2 full-time
Wage: $5,000/monthly
Extra income: $3,500
Owner since: 2022
Financing: all cash
Down Payment: $169,000
Total Sales: $300,000
Cash Flow: $102,000
Accounts Receivable: N/A
FFE: $20,000
FFE Included: Yes
Inventory: $80,000
Inventory Included: No
Year Established: 2000
Days & Hours of Operation: 7 Days (8am to 8pm)
Owner Hours Per Week: Help Run
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Employees: 2
Absentee Owner: Yes
Lease Option: 5 Years Option
Real Estate: N/A
Monthly Rent: $3,000
Type of Location: Free Standing
Square Footage: 5000
Reason For Sale: Too Far To Commute