2019 Most Valuable Intermediary
For Immediate Release: VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions Announces Ran Kim, Owner of VR in Artesia, CA Wins VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award (“MVI”)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida / April 1st, 2020
VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions, a leader in the sale of privately held businesses is pleased to announce Ran Kim, owner of VR in Artesia, California has been awarded the VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award. Winning the MVI is one of the most prestigious awards an individual can win in the VR organization.
Award recipients are reviewed on their leadership skills, achievements, ethics, and participation.
In 2005, the first VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award was presented. Each year since an individual has been selected for their outstanding accomplishments and devotion to the VR organization.
For the first time in VR’s history, the Most Valuable Intermediary is awarded to a VR owner who began her career 10 years ago as an advisor in a VR office. Through the years Ran gained experience and reputation as an advocate to her clients, both locally and internationally.

In 2018, she acquired one of VR’s most successful operations that had been awarded over 1,000 VR Victory Awards throughout its almost 40-year tenure.
Today Ms. Kim works closely with William Park, himself a two-time VR MVI award winner, and VR Hall of Fame member, on the plan for expansion and growth. The goal of expanding the 20-advisor team seems well underway, and the legacy that was built and developed by Paul Lin starting in 1982 and continued by William Park is alive and thriving under Ran’s direction.
“We first met Ran when she started her career in business sales with VR a decade ago. She flourished and grew as an advisor, and then took ownership of one of the most established and successful offices in VR’s history. Today we could not be happier than to present her the VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award. Ran is a great example of how you can grow inside our organization if you work hard, look out for your clients best interests, and work as a team.”, stated JoAnn Lombardi, President of VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions.
“On behalf of everyone in VR, I wish to congratulate Ms. Kim on joining the elite group of VR Most Valuable Intermediary Award winners. Ran and other MVI’s lead the VR organization by example, while sharing their knowledge and expertise with all. I look forward to watching the continued growth of her career and VR’s oldest office. Congratulations Ran!”, remarked Peter C. King, CEO of VR Business Brokers / Mergers & Acquisitions.
For more information about Ran Kim and VR in Artesia, California visit www.vrbb.com.
About VR Business Brokers / VR Mergers & Acquisitions
Founded in 1979, VR is the innovative leader in business sales, and mergers and acquisitions, of closely held, privately owned, and founder operated businesses. Spanning 6 decades, VR comprehensively addresses the needs of its clients by using planning and detailed execution.
2010 Most Valuable Intermediary
To be successful, you must be disciplined, and your focus should be on setting up meetings with buyers and sellers. A successful day is measured by how many buyers and sellers you spoke to or met.”
William Park is the first two-time MVI winner, having previously won the 2008 honor. Since becoming partner of the VR office in Artesia, California in 1998, William has shared his extraordinary wealth of experience and knowledge with those he comes in contact with.
His leadership, excellence and commitment have helped him and the VR office in Artesia continuously make the Top 10 in the organization.
“I would like to thank VR for this honor of being selected the 2010 MVI,” says William. “It’s a warm recognition in a money-driven industry such as ours.

William sites a few areas that every VR office can learn and integrate into their practices:
- Any office will struggle when the average agent has less than 10 listings. The VR office in Artesia has continued to see most agents’ average 20+ listings.
- Any office can overcome the worst of times when 200+ listings are being maintained such as with the Artesia office.
- Any office will struggle when the average agent has less than 10 listings. The VR office in Artesia has continued to see most agents’ average 20+listings.
- Go after listings that are selling at the time such as food-related businesses.
- If a new listing is unique to the inventory, get 2-3 similar listings to have a chance at selling one.
- An associate’s primary focus should be on creating deals, meeting buyers and sellers.
- An owner’s primary focus should be on breaking down those barriers that distract an agent from their primary focus – “Less paperwork, less computer work, less bureaucracy, more razzle dazzle.”
“It’s not easy to manage as a ‘Sales Leader’ because it’s instinct for owners to worry more about policy managing as an ‘Office Owner.’ Obviously, it would be ideal to strike a good balance, but I prefer the title of ‘Sales Cheerleader.’
William describes being a business intermediary as “something difficult to be great at, but a great thing to be good at.”
We congratulate William Park as the 2010 VR Most Valuable Intermediary.
2008 Most Valuable Intermediary
It was a difficult decision to choose that one individual who has stood up to the VR standard of excellence that was set by our previous winners.
So many of our VR family have achieved and contributed so much this past year, and we commend all of you for your hard work and dedication.
However, we had to find that one person who stands out from the rest with the following qualities:
- A person that has excelled beyond expectations;
- A person who was driven to succeed;
- A person with unconditional dedication;
- A person who deserves to be VR’s Most Valuable Intermediary in so many ways with proven results.

This year’s MVI has proven like so many successful entrepreneurs out there that through hard work, thorough ingenuity, effective use of the tools and resources that are provided, and outstanding leadership; the sky is the limit.
Having owned Fast Sign and Minuteman Press franchises in the west before becoming partner in the VR Office in Artesia, California in 1998, William Park has brought an incredible wealth of experience and knowledge that has served him well.
His leadership, excellence and commitment is the reason why they have continuously made the Top 10 every year in business sales as well as winning several Centurion Awards. Individually, he has won numerous Victory Awards for his consistent number of successful business transactions. As an Owner in the #1 VR Office Worldwide, William has continued to show his dedication through his performance and will to motivate and succeed.
We are proud to name William Park the 2008 VR Most Valuable Intermediary.