Price: $150,000
Location: Los Angeles County, CA
Industry: Bakeries
Listing ID: 01985489 EL
Listing Status: New
This cherished Vegan Wholesale Bakery has become a staple for local coffee shops and online customers.
It is known for its acclaimed vegan and gluten-free pastries and cakes. The skilled crew of employees handles all baking operations, with the owner only stepping in as needed.
A dynamic and energetic new owner has the potential to significantly expand the business by introducing new product lines and enhancing management efficiency.
The seller is at her retirement age and has a medical condition that forces her to sell her business to a new, energetic owner who can take it to the next level. Currently, this bakery supplies its vegan bakeries to close to 20 customer accounts. Two part-time drivers deliver the goods every morning. The delivery vehicle is included in sale of the business. The total revenue for 2023 was over $380,000.
Down Payment: N/A
Total Sales: N/A
Cash Flow: N/A
Accounts Receivable: N/A
FFE Included: Yes
Inventory: N/A
Inventory Included: No
Year Established: 2014
Days & Hours of Operation: 7 Days - 3 pm to 11 pm
Owner Hours Per Week: Part Time
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Employees: 6
Managers: 1
Absentee Owner: No
Lease Option: 3 years
Real Estate: N/A
Monthly Rent: N/A
Type of Location: Strip Center
Relocatable: No
Reason For Sale: Retiring